Science of Learning Research Centre

PEN 1 Teacher Blog

    1. Annita Nugent Reply

      How much time do you spend talking in the class while students are reading?

      • T Seary Reply

        Too much time! I will try slowing down my lessons so that I am not talking when I expect my students to be focused on reading! Thanks PEN Principles!

    2. Rosie Reply

      This makes so much sense.. but I hate to think how many times I have been guilty of this?!
      I will definitely be changing the way I’ve been doing things.

    3. Wendy Mercer Reply

      This is important. We might assume that the modern student is able to multitask and read and listen at the same time but the research here says that this is not true. PowerPoint presentations which are presented using teacher explanation should have very few words. Thanks for the well-presented and thought provking information.

    4. Kristine C Reply

      This principle explains why all too often during presentations I have completely missed what a speaker is saying due to my focus on the text either on a worksheet or projected on the wall in front of me. In my classroom practice, I shall be mindful of this principle and Principle 2 (pictures and spoken word do mix well) when presenting information to my classes. Agree with the comments of Wendy and Rosie above.

    5. Kristine C Reply

      This principle explains why all too often during presentations I have completely missed what a speaker is saying due to my focus on the text either on a worksheet or projected on the wall in front of me. In my classroom practice, I shall be mindful of this principle and Principle 2 (pictures and spoken word do mix well) when presenting information to my classes.
      Agree with the comments of Wendy and Rosie above.

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